TF-93100R1 Paperless Conference System Management Server Software V3.0

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The smart paperless conference system server software mainly realizes the conference management function; the system administrator can configure the management server parameters, conference room information, digital conference mode, personnel structure through the background. The background also supports the management of the conference list and conference process and the handling of conference agenda, conference topics, participant information and voting content. It has application functions of uploading and sharing conference data, managing and setting the participant permissions, recording conference information in real time, etc.


*The software runs on the CentOS (Linux) operating system, and can provide management, control, data interaction, service and other functions for the paperless multimedia conference system.

*Adopt B/S and C/S hybrid architecture, support remote login web management; manage multiple conference rooms at the same time on the same web interface (you can start, reset, end meetings, and view meeting details on the same interface).

*Support multi-conference room management, support visual layout configuration management of conference rooms. Support the visual control of conference room seats, display the usage of all conference rooms in the system, the terminal can be turned on, off, raised and lowered individually or in a unified way.

*Support connecting with the central control system, and realize the power on, off, lifting and lowering of the paperless system equipment through the central control system (group control and individual control).

*Support user management functions: add, import, modify, delete users; support grouping users, support the establishment of user organizational structure, voting management, meeting data permission management, and quickly filter personnel according to user group or organizational structure.

*Support role permission management, including system super administrators, general system administrators, auditors, conference personnel, ordinary users and logistics personnel. The system super administrator has the permission to manage all conferences.

*Support unified configuration management of servers, and can configure name, serial number, network address, remarks and other information for conference management server, streaming media server, file server, and transcoding server in a unified manner.

*Support unified configuration management of terminal equipment, unified configuration of terminal name, serial number, network address, remarks and other information.

*Support the creation of multiple conference templates. Conference managers can edit the templates and use the conference templates to quickly create conferences.

*Support creating (and modifying, deleting, viewing) multiple conferences, adding different users to different conferences and setting different roles (conference administrators, ordinary participants), and can open, end, and reset conferences.

*Support the function of customizing client interface modules, according to the user's personalized needs, it can set the display and concealment of function modules such as participation list, meeting communication, meeting notes, network browsing, electronic whiteboard, screen broadcasting, applying for speeches, handwritten commentaries, meeting services, etc., so as to realize the precise customization of the interface layout; the user can choose to display the function modules on the home page directly for instant and convenient access; for functions that do not need to be used frequently for the time being, they can be placed in the organizing pop-up window to ensure a clean interface and efficient operation.

*Support querying or quickly resuming the ended meeting and choose to copy the information and documents of the ended meeting to the new meeting. Support meeting list filtering view and search function by meeting status.

*Support viewing and management of participants, importing and exporting participants in batches, and configuring participation permissions and broadcast permissions for participants; add temporary participants, and can convert temporary participants to regular participants.

*Support welcome interface design, edit background content as solid color or background image; show/hide title, unit, meeting name, meeting time, host, participant name, custom text; support editing text box font size, color and font type, and arranging the text box to the left, center, and right.

*Support meeting nameplate design, editable background content as solid color or background image; show/hide title, unit, meeting, participant name, custom text; support editing text box font size, color and font type, support text box to the left , center, and right.

*Support the function of simulated seating arrangement in the conference room, support personnel screening, support automatic and manual seating arrangement according to personnel weight, and support real-time adjustment and delivery of seating plans; support independent seating arrangement by topic, and support manual or automatic switching of system topic seating arrangement plans.

*Support multiple conference slogans, and the conference slogan can be switched arbitrarily during the meeting, which is convenient for different topics to be held.

*Support meeting agenda management, support online editing and publishing of agendas in the management background, and can also upload agenda files in word, ppt, pdf, and picture formats.

*Support management operations such as opening and ending multiple conference topics, uploading multiple attachments independently for each topic, and screening topic viewers through organizational structure, user grouping, and general listing;

*Support adding folders to issues, displaying issues + folders + files in three levels of directory files, the issues include the configurations of the reporter, reporting unit, participants, reporting time, and USB flash drive download permissions; add the function of customizing the names of the reporter, reporting unit, and participant.

*Support the rapid creation of voting and check-in associated with the issue, and support the issue to open the terminal real-time notification display.

*Support the uploading of temporary meeting documents, through the organizational structure, user grouping, general listing of the display mode filtering designated participants to view, U disk download privileges, support for the documents of the second level of directory display, convenient classification management.

*Support temporary information, meeting issues upload interface document drag and drop to upload information.

*Support paperless management background seamlessly connects with voice transcription system, realizes synchronous management of personnel information and meeting information, and shared management of minutes.

*Support conference video management, fast transcoding and forced transcoding of uploaded videos, support adding rtmp/rtsp format live streams, and support web page preview function for uploaded conference videos.

*Support unified management of multiple voting, real-time viewing of voting process and results, and control of real-time projection display of voting results; support three projection modes: text, bar chart, and pie chart; support voting import and export function, convenient for batch voting management; support voting authentication.

*Support voting templates, you can preset voting types, you can set single-choice, multiple-choice, real-name and anonymous, voting countdown, voting pass rate, and voting remarks.

*Support unified management of multiple scores, real-time viewing of the scoring process and results, control of score projection, and support up to 100 scores; support score import and export function, convenient for batch score management; support scoring authentication; support configuring the average score rule as default or truncated average; support the function of scoring and remarks.

*Support annotated whiteboard management, can simultaneously manage each participant's whiteboard archive, handwritten annotations, document annotations, support background preview and one-key export function.

*Support unified control operation, control terminal switching display welcome page, exit welcome page, exit slogan, display nameplate, exit nameplate, large screen bright screen, large screen rest screen, pause the meeting, continue the meeting, end the meeting, control the terminal switch, server shutdown control, support the paperless lifter and microphone unified lift.

*Support instant reception and processing of conference service information, support one-click processing of conference service information, and more efficient logistics support.

*Support conference communication, single or multiple participants can conduct conference communication, and support the issuance of conference notices; support viewing the chat records of each participant through the paperless management system.

*Support meeting minutes. The chairman can upload the minutes, distribute the minutes, collect countersign comments, and manage the viewing authority of the meeting minutes. The chairperson can initiate countersignatures and generate countersignature documents and final minutes on the spot.

*Support management meeting general check-in, issue check-in, control check-in start, end, support to assist check-in, you can view the current check-in situation, check-in process results in real-time screen casting; support button check-in, signature check-in, log in that check-in.

*Support digital conference host configuration management, set a variety of conference modes, and control the operation of microphone lift, microphone switch, etc., without third-party software.

*Support the unified upgrade function, and upgrade the server and all clients with one key through the paperless management system.

*Support system configuration management functions, including setting the login account level, personal center, files, broadcast/presenter, fonts, three-member management, file settings and personalized settings and other related content. Personalization settings support background skin, client skin settings, logo custom configuration and other functions.

*Support personal center H5 web page display, can be uploaded before the meeting, in the meeting, view information, support for after the meeting to download the information and annotated documents participated in the meeting, confidential meetings before and after the meeting need to apply for permission to view the meeting information.

*Support dual hot standby function, master and slave device data synchronization, when the master device fails the slave to take over, to ensure business continuity. (Requires optional slave and hot standby version of the software)

*The conference logistics service supports the custom conference service type, and the name and icon of the conference service type can be customized.

*Support font management, upload the required fonts, which can be used for special font requirements of welcome interface, nameplate, and slogan interface.

*Support server monitoring, you can view server CPU usage, memory usage, disk space, network transmission rate, and set threshold warnings.

*Support triple management function. After this function is enabled, the system will be divided into three roles: system administrator, conference administrator, and auditor. System administrator is responsible for system management, including personnel, server, conference room, upgrade, system and other module management; conference administrator is responsible for conference management, creating, editing, and deleting conferences, and the auditor is responsible for log auditing and reviewing, and tracing of personnel operation records on the paperless management system.

*Support font management, upload the required fonts, which can be used for special font requirements of welcome interface, nameplate, and slogan interface.

*Support server monitoring, you can view server CPU usage, memory usage, disk space, network transmission rate, and set threshold warnings.

*Support triple management function. After this function is enabled, the system will be divided into three roles: system administrator, conference administrator, and auditor. System administrator is responsible for system management, including personnel, server, conference room, upgrade, system and other module management; conference administrator is responsible for conference management, creating, editing, and deleting conferences, and the auditor is responsible for log auditing and reviewing, and tracing of personnel operation records on the paperless management system.

*Support the distributed deployment function of multiple file servers, and add the server for separate file storage.

*Supports log management function, which allows you to view and export user operation logs.

*Supports polling results page and check-in results page to customize the display of the title content, background image; support for editing the font size, color and font type of the text box, support for the text box to the left, center, right arrangement of the position and so on.