The client is our wholesaler of Public Address System in Iran and we’ve build up trust worthy relationship. In July this year, he knew that Iman Sajad Hospitals needed Video Conference System and he also knew that ITC™ had this kind of system and was going to open the global market of it so that he decided to try it.
Due to Iman Sajad Hospitals consist of multiple branch, they need video conference system including 10 terminals. In the mean time, they don’t want the system to take up too much bandwidth and the video experience must be clear and fluent.
Users could launch video conference via home used ADSL. The video of 1080P60 only needs bandwidth 2M, 1080P30 needs 1M, and 720P needs 512K so that ITC™ Video Conference System totally meets their demand of low bandwidth. In the industry of video conference, 1080P/60 is the highest quality for now. We promise that users would never miss any detail expression of their partners and the motion picture is super clear without trailing and delay, which meet the demand of their video experience. In addition, ITC™ video conference system has many other advantages so that we could totally meet the require of Iman Sajad Hospitals.